Internship Researcher at SeSaMe Center
Aug. 2016 to June 2017Graduate Research Assistant in VADER Lab
Aug. 2017 to presentThe trajectory visualization system is to visualize the change and trend of traffic flow in urban data. I realized heatmap, radar chart, and patterns based on chord diagram on the front-end webpage. To speed up the data calculation on the back-end, I used GPU to parallel process the data. Please click to view the codes on my git repository.
This is a recently started project to visualize the value of areas between protected areas which helps decision makers understand the importance of each region to do environmental protection. I’m currently working on preprocessing data to generate tiles of different zoom levels of the map. Please click to view the codes on my git repository.
This is a visualization system to display some meteorological data like temperature, wind, humidity material on the earth in a 3-dimension way. It's a client software. My job in this program is writing UI, fixing logic problems in graphic render and change features by discussing with users.
© 2018 Lei Zhang